Warning Signs of Bipolar Disorder

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings. Bipolar disorder was previously known as manic depressive disorder and described as the ‘highs’ (mania or hypomania) and ‘lows’ (depression) in a person’s mood.

Depression can make a person feel sad or hopeless and can cause a loss of interest or pleasure in activities. When experiencing mania, you may feel euphoric, energetic, or irritable. These mood swings can affect sleep patterns, energy, judgment, and behavior. 

The frequency of those mood swings varies from person to person. Some people will experience them monthly and others rarely. Still, bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition that can be managed by following a prescribed treatment plan that may include medications and psychotherapy (talk therapy). 

Symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose because of the wide list of symptoms and types of bipolar disorder. Generally, bipolar disorder invludes mood swings between mania and depression which can cause other difficulties and anxiety. A trained medical professional at Insyte Psychiatric can work with you to confirm the specifc diagnosis and determine if you have bipolar 1, 2 or cyclothymic disorder.

Mania & Hypomania

Mania and hypomania share the same list of symptoms, but are different in their severity. Mania is more sever and noticeable. Patients often share experiencing problems at work or school and during social events and relationships activities. In rare cases, mania may also trigger psychosis which includes delusions, hallucinations, and talking incoherently. The person with the condition usually isn’t aware of his or her behavior.

Symptoms include:

  • Abnormally upbeat, jumpy
  • Increased energy or agitation
  • Euphoria; Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence
  • insomnia
  • Unusually talkative
  • Racing thoughts
  • distracted
  • Poor decision-making 


During a depressive episode, you may experience a depressed mood and/or loss of interest in daily activities. It is also common to feel fatigued, loss of appetite, and a general feeling of wothlessness or hopelessness.

Treating bipolar disorder.

Treatment Bipolar disorder for bipolar disorder is focused on managing symptoms and mood swings. Getting quality treatment can include any or a combination of the following:

  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy).
  • Prescribed medications.
  • Self-management strategies (trigger and symptom identification)
  • Supporting lifestyle habits (not treatments) such as exercise, healthy diet, and meditation.

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and can sometimes take weeks or months to find the treatment plan that works best for you and your lifestyle. Together with Dr. Keise and a supportive team of specialists, you can control and minimize the effects of bipolar disorder. In fact, most patients will experience long stretches of time between episode and can predict more serious symptoms and make better choices about how to handle them.

Insyte Psychiatric is a team of specialists dedicated to helping patients regain control of their lives through psychiatric care. If you are experiencing the symptoms of bipolar disorder or need help managing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety, our team is ready to assist you. Our East Brunswick location offers in-office care or you can take advantage of our virtual treatment sessions that fit your schedule. 
